Fresh 359
Fresh 359
Fresh 359
Fresh 359
Fresh 359

Fresh 359 Claimed

Brothels in Sydney

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About Us

Fresh 359 is 6 Star fully license Erotic Massage, Full Service, Brothel, and Escort Service, our located in most convenient provide place in surry hills, we are the best place for u go get perfect Erotic massage and full service.

At Fresh 359 You’ll get the highest excitement being with them. Your night can be more thrilling seeing these elegant, erotic and beautiful ladies that will make want for more. Our girls are aging from 19 – 26 years, young-at-heart and always ready to go. Our hotties girls are from Japan, Korean, China, Thai, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwanese, India, Australia, and we always have new International girl join with our team

Our shop whole day warm Air Conditioned and extra heaters are used in winter. It’s very warm climate during the services.

Please come to visit fresh 359 enjoy the best professional, popular and 6-star hotel style Service experience!

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